About & Contact

No one can make it on their own, not even me: an English and Spanish Major living in the San Francisco Bay Area. Living in the Moment is a blog I started in 2012, without aim or focus. However, I started shaping it more into what I hope it to be in 2013, and am proud to say that little by little it has grown in popularity. (It continues to grow, more like it.) It took me a while to focus on a theme for this blog, but I can finally say that it is a blog centering on a human life: my life. (Sound a bit egocentric don’t I? I swear, I’m not.) I do juggle a few theme blogs on the side, but this one will focus on my thoughts, short writings, books, photos and the music I like. I want to share myself with those who will listen, and hope that just as I take solace from the words of others, that others will take the same from mine. I named this blog Living in the Moment because I have learned the hard way that the past and future are both out of my hands, and by focusing too much on them, I loose out on what is going on around me in the present. So, by keeping this blog, I hope to encourage myself and others to live in the moment and see what is around us before it is gone.

Thanks for following!

My other blogs are: 

Penpal & Crafts: http://letterstothirteen.wordpress.com/
Tumblr: http://thirteen1999.tumblr.com/

© 2014, 2013, 2014 Mary S. Any unauthorized  use and/or duplication (in any shape or form) of the materiel found within this blog without written permission of the author, Mary S., is strictly prohibited, with reblogged and/or shared links being the only exception. Forwards and links are usable so long as credit is given to the author(s) as well as specific links to this blog. Thanks.

Contact the author at: tobelieveinmermaids@yahoo.com

56 thoughts on “About & Contact”

  1. Thanks for the follow over on my blog. Looks like we have a couple of things in common, living in the Bay Area, and I need to explore your blog a little more to find out about the believing in mermaids….Great to meet you here on WP.

    1. Haha, thanks for the follow. I actually recently changed the blog name so I haven’t been able to post an entry addressing it, I will soon though. And you’re right, we do have some stuff in common, I plan to explore your blog some more as well!!

  2. Hi, thanks a lot for visiting my blog! I’m a little busy at the moment but I’ll be sure to come back here 🙂 I hope to be reading your novel in the future. May your dreams come true! Never stop believing in them!

      1. No no, that’s just a pen name I came up with a while back. (And then stopped using because it hit me that perverts would probably try to pick on me.) I’m actually 23.

  3. http://onesahmscrazylife.wordpress.com/2014/01/13/im-such-a-cheater/

    I know you liked my post, but it’s still kind of protocol that I tell you here. I’m a follower(Heh..I follow you..follower. Yeah I know, not funny. Quit judging! :-P) You’ve been nominated for the ABC(Awesome Blog Content award) because well..you’re awesome!

    I’m tired. If you want wittier comments here *Insert your own and pretend I typed it. Laugh hysterically and then eat a cookie*

    Did that work? I hope so.

      1. I noticed, I’m amazed at how popular this award has gotten. it’s rather nice actually since that means that more people are getting into blogging.

  4. Well, Miss Mary, I have to say you are one busy and phenomenally creative person. It isn’t just the quality of your work, but the variety and volume of output. The more I see, the more I envy you, your youth and having the time in your life to do all of the things you do. I realize none of us have enough time for all we want to do, but you seem to find time for things that give you and those who know you joy. I’m so glad I found your blog. Even un anciano like me finds pleasure in it. Keep having a blessed life.

    1. Thanks again, though I am not so sure about the quality of my work. I often feel that I could do better, and could post more “serious” works. However, I am very thankful to you for taking the time to even look at my posts. 🙂 And I wish you the best in life as well, you and your loved ones.

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The thoughts, videos and general randomness of a young writer.