
Hello everyone, I know I haven’t posted anything in a while because I’ve been extremely busy with my jobs and school, however, I did want to take the chance to wish you all a wonderful holiday! I have to work today and Black Friday, but luckily my family is going to visit me this morning before I go to work. I also got to see them this past Tuesday and Wednesday, mainly because my sister and I decided to ditch class. (Except for my last one, I made it to that one given that it dished out a math exam I couldn’t miss.) It really does suck that the older you get, the more you establish your life away from home, the harder it is to get back together with the people you once knew. However, it isn’t impossible. So all of you who feel lonely or sad that you are alone on a holiday, don’t be. Instead, try reaching out to family and friends, wishing them a good holiday and/or even spending the day doing something you like to do. I was miserable thinking that I wouldn’t get to see my family, but, instead of sulking I made it happen. If not, I would have spent my day (after and before work) writing (which I’ve kind of done so far) because I rarely get to do this anymore. Instead of getting angry, all I can think is that this is where life has put me now, and so I better make the best of it. Lastly, I’d like to thank all of my friends for their holiday wishes and would also like to wish them all (including my wonderful pen-pals) a happy holiday, and a good day in general. Well, until next time folks! (Now get away from your computers and go outside, or go talk to someone!)

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